Thursday, October 25, 2012

Chilone "Steel Appeal" Payton NPC 6th Place Figure Champion

On October 6, 2012, I took 6th Place in the NPC San Francisco Championships in both my categories!  This has been a journey that I have seen until its end.  Six months of hard training has paid off!  This competition was way more than standing on a stage in a sparkly bikini and Lucite heels, it was about dedication, sacrifice, determination to beat odds, focus in spite of, and becoming an inspiration to those that say "I can't."  This victory is more than a victory for me, it is a victory for all my cheerleaders, my fans, and those that have even remotely thought about becoming fit.  For those of you that know my story (see my website), know that I have accomplished this milestone under less-than-favorable circumstances.  However, I did it anyway and in spite of my obstacles.  What this means is that if I can do it, anyone can do it!

Currently, I am capitalizing upon my new found status and I am working the business end of this being a figure athlete.  I have also had a few relevant parties interested in Chilone "Steel Appeal" Payton; surely there are great things in store.  I want to thank all of you for your encouragement, resources and well-wishes.   In the interim, I shall keep you posted as to how well I am progressing with athletic endeavors.

Love, Peace & Protein Drinks,
Chilone "Steel Appreal" Payton