Friday, February 22, 2013

Did You Know...


Did you know that 60% of the U.S. population does not exercise regularly?  Amazing!  This is sad that the majority of the population does not know the effects and the sheer exhilaration that regular exercise provides.  Or, the benefits of the additional serotonin (mood elevating chemical freely occurring in our bodies) secreted from exercise.  This is one of the reasons, I am addicted, YES - addicted, to exercise.  There is no person, potato chip, pill or potion that can do for me what a good ol' fashioned sweat can do for me.  When I leave the gym, I feel like a million bucks!  I feel so good, that I have an exit ritual that I do when I leave the gym.  I gear up my theme song and I strut like I own the place, all the way to my car.  That is how good I feel after a workout.  Exercise, is nature's free Prozac.  Go get you some and get a natural and healthy high!