Friday, April 27, 2012

Nutrition Tip

Good morning Fitness Fans!  I wanted to virtually share my breakfast with you!  I had a bowl of unsweetened oatmeal, with 2 fresh strawberries and an egg white omelet with spinach, mushrooms, a little bit of light cheese (I do mean a small amount-one serving) and a little bit of grilled chicken.  In order to make the oatmeal taste better I mixed in cinnamon and a packet of Splendia.  Actually, it is pretty tasty and very filling.

I am sharing this breakfast with my Fitness Fans in hopes that it will encourage more of you to eat breakfast.  It really is the most important meal of the day.  It is what jump starts your metabolism for the day and supplies you with the nutrients you need after having fasted during sleeping hours and keeps you from over eating throughout the course of the day. 

Also, the weekend is upon us and having a healthy low fat, high fiber, protein packed breakfast will help prevent over eating while you are out socializing this weekend.  Socializing is often about gathering with friends and enjoying food.  My tip to you would be to enjoy a cheat meal or 2 this weekend.  However, if you maintain your regular healthy eating in your other weekend meals you will maintain a balance and not feel as if you are missing out.  So enjoy a burger or a slice of pizza or 2, just round out your remaining meals with healthy clean eating and you should be fine.  If you really over do it, just do a little extra cardio for 2 days and you will be back on track!  Let me know how this tip works for you.  Have a safe, healthy and active weekend!

Love, Peace and Protein Drinks,
Chilone "Steel Appeal" Payton

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Fitness Tip Testimony

This week I took my headphones off long enough to socialize in the gym with an individual whom I admire.  Boy, did I learn a thing or two.  After our introductions and mutual admiration of the others training regimen, we did legs together.  We did a routine that included the use of the leg press machine.  Lucky me, I was suckered into doing forced reps.  (See routine below)  Yuck, I hate forced reps!  However, it is something I do not normally do and was grateful to learn someone else’s technique that obviously knows what they’re doing.  It is good to work out with others on occasion, as you simply learn new and creative ways of doing things.  After it was all said and done and my quadriceps were no longer screaming for mercy, I felt really strong and tight.  I had broken out of my norm, did forced reps and did them well!  Yay!  Sometimes it helps to have an audience; it serves as a tool for not chickening out or not working as hard as you know you can.  Also, with forced reps, make sure you have a partner, as you are going beyond the muscles fatigue zone and you’ll need a helping hand to properly and safely complete all those extra reps.  Okay, give me feedback people, if you try the below exercise.

Love, Peace and Protein Drinks,
Chilone "Steel Appeal" Payton

Leg Extensions (Machine) – Forced Reps

Set 1 – 100 lbs x 15 Reps 
                Drop Weight to 60lbs x 10 Reps
Set 2 – 110lbs x 15 Reps
               Drop Weight to 60lbs x 10 Reps
Set 3 – 110lbs x 15 Reps
                Drop Weight to 60lbs x 10 Reps
Set 4 – 100lbs x 15 Reps
                Drop weight to 60lbs x 10 Reps

Cold Hard Facts: National Obesity Rates

    More than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) are obese.

Approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2-19 years are obese.

The states with the top obesity rates are:  West Virginia- 32.5%, Alabama-32.2% and South Carolina-31.5%.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Nutrition Tip

I want to share with you a tip that I use in my own dieting efforts.  I am a CARB crazy girl!  I LOVE carbohydrates.  Chips (with dip), crackers, popcorn and sometimes the occasional piece of cake.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I am no martyr to the cause of being rail thin or anything, as those of you that know me, know that I like a little meat on my bones (just a little) - I do eat junk on occasion.  However, I am in training mode now and I have to drop the weight for my upcoming show and I do miss my little treats.  In order not to feel so deprived, I pop a snack size bag of Orville Redenbacher 94% Lean Butter Flavored Popcorn.  It is low fat and only has 28 grams of carbohydrates a serving.  The good thing about this snack is that it is healthy, filling, low carb, low fat, and it helps take the edge off.  Also, it is snack sized, so the portion is singular and controlled so that you will not go off on a mindless feeding frenzy.  Ha ha!  For an extra bit of fun I spray the popcorn with a little butter flavored cooking spray.  Yum-yum!  Try it out and let me know how you like it.

Love, Peace and Protein Drinks
Chilone "Steel Appeal" Payton


HELLO Fitness Fan!  It is me Chilone "Steel Appeal" Payton!  Welcome to my blog!  I am so happy to be here to support, encourage and to swap fitness and wellness tips with everyone.  So welcome all and I employ that you share, share, share.  Be very candid in your post.  I want to learn all about your journey, the blood, seat, tears, the joys and the triumphs.  This is our community, we are here for one another.  We are in it to win it!  Together, we will 'Bear Witness To Fitness!'

Love, Peace and Protein Drinks,
Chilone "Steel Appeal" Payton